Kathleen Brady, CEO
Kathleen Brady, PhD is the CEO of Community Research Group, an independent organization dedicated to helping communities improve through the strategic use of data. Her expertise is data mining and analysis, community-level research, program evaluation, synthesis of qualitative and quantitative data, and identification of best practices.
Dr. Brady has extensive experience in higher education and community research, having built the Metropolitan Studies Institute at the University of South Carolina Upstate. She has produced over 100 community research and data analytics studies, including public health assessments, poverty and economic mobility studies, racial equity studies, economic impact studies, and others. She believes strongly that data must be understandable to its consumers in order to be useful.
Prior to leading the Community Research Group, Dr. Brady was on the Executive Leadership Team at University of South Carolina Upstate, serving as Vice Chancellor for External Relations and Partnerships and Executive Director of the Metropolitan Studies Institute. The University’s outwardly-facing Centers reported to her, and under her tenure they became nationally recognized for outstanding contributions to the Spartanburg, SC community and to the state and the region.
Dr. Brady has extensive publications and has served numerous community organizations and nonprofits. Currently, she serves on the Board of Directors for United Way of the Piedmont, and the Board of Directors of the New Morning Foundation of South Carolina. She has previously served on the Advisory Board of the Greenville, SC Chamber of Commerce, and the Core Team of Spartanburg’s Way to Wellville.
Austin Whisnant, Data Scientist
Austin Whisnant supports the automation of large scale data analysis, and is also responsible for comprehensive IT support and web development for CRG. She is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Engineering and Public Policy.
Ms. Whisnant posses a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from Furman University and a Master of Telecommunications from the University of Pittsburgh. In her free time she enjoys playing soccer and cello, and completing home renovation projects.
Annie, Receptionist
Annie is a dedicated staff member who comes to us from Greenville Animal Shelter. She has been on staff since the inception of CRG in the primary support role. She provides great input on conference calls and webinars, and you might hear her snoring in the background.
Annie's interests are making friends with everyone – two-legged or four-legged, and personal fitness – she’s up to a mile a day.